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Generative AI
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Prof Mayhall AH 1700 course site
Generative AI
And now, for the more critical views
Inside the AI Factory
How many humans does it take to make tech seem human? Millions.
Teaching Critical AI Literacies: living document
AI's Promise To Pay Attention For You
This post is the second in the Beyond ChatGPT series about generative AI’s impact on learning.
An Artist's take
The A.I. Lie
I recently had a job which did not go well. Eight weeks in, I was mired in sketch revisions and being asked to start over for the fourth time and so I decided to cut my losses and walk. When I shared the experience, most replies I received were from folks commiserating that, unfortunately, that’s
Chiang Why AI Isn't Going to Make Art.docx
How Memphis became a battleground over Elon Musk’s xAI supercomputer
A massive project headed by Elon Musk in Memphis, Tenn., to power AI has moved at breakneck speed. But it's stirring controversy around pollution emissions. The EPA says it’s looking into it.
Art Without Intention
Whether or not A.I. outputs are "art," will anyone care about works made without care?
AI & Ethics Presentation by Dr. Torrey Trust
America Already Has an AI Underclass.docx
Forget jobs. AI is coming for your water | Context
A conversation with Chat GPT can consume a bottle of water. So why is big tech setting up AI in some of the world’s driest countries?
‘If journalism is going up in smoke, I might as well get high off the fumes’: confessions of a chatbot helper
A data annotator reveals the threat his job poses to the art of real writing – and big tech’s growing concerns over AI’s limitations
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